As part of MOPS Australia, we seek to be inclusive of every mum.
What is The MumCo
A safe space for all mums.

The MumCo is a group of mums, who gather together for community, conversation and friendship. As part of MOPS Australia, we seek to be inclusive of every mum including single, married, working, urban, suburban, stay-at-home, teen and older mums!

We get together (child free) to connect. We aim to encourage and equip mums with the skills and resilience needed to face challenges in marriage, relationships, parenting and leadership.

When is The MumCo
A monthly event for all mums.

Day: Thursday Nights monthly
Cost: $15 per session.
RSVP: Please book for our catering purposes
Calendar: See our WBC Events Page for details

Where is The MumCo

Right in the heart of Wyndham.

225 Heaths Road
Werribee, Victoria
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