Have you ever been taken in by a scam? How did it make you feel? Angry, frustrated, maybe even violated? Scams have been around since the beginning of time, even Adam and Eve fell victim to one. Today, scams are more sophisticated and prevalent, especially in the realm of spiritual teachings.

In our recent sermon series, "Assembly Required," we've been learning about building a church based on solid foundations. One recurring theme is the danger posed by false teachers or “scammers.” These scammers were an issue in the early church and remain a challenge today. How can we discern who to trust with our spiritual growth?

Paul's letter to Timothy offers some timeless advice. Firstly, scammers are often energized by deceptive spirits, teaching things contrary to God’s word (1 Timothy 4:1-2, NLT). These teachings can lead people away from the true faith. It’s crucial to ask: “What are they saying about Jesus?” If their teachings deviate from Jesus being the Son of God, born of a virgin, crucified for our sins, and resurrected, then they’re likely leading you astray.

Another sign of a scammer is their desire to build their own following rather than pointing people to Jesus. They may make additional rules that God didn’t make, which should be a red flag. Paul's advice to Timothy includes avoiding arguments over “godless ideas and old wives’ tales” and instead, focusing on godly living and teaching (1 Timothy 4:7-8, NLT).

To stay grounded, we need to train ourselves spiritually just as athletes train physically. This involves consistent prayer, studying the Bible, and engaging with a community of believers. Paul emphasizes that we should be devoted and set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12, NLT).

So, how can we build a life worth following? By being disciplined, discerning, and devoted. It’s not just about avoiding scammers; it’s about actively growing in our faith and helping others do the same.

Here’s a challenge: Reflect on your spiritual habits. Are you as devoted to your spiritual health as you are to other areas of your life? How can you set an example for others in your words, actions, and faith? Let’s commit to being disciplined discerners, devoted to living our lives in light of eternity, clearing the way for others to follow Jesus.