Do you ever feel frustrated when life or people don't meet your expectations? We’ve all been there—when things don’t go as planned, and our hopes crash into reality. Whether it’s with family, friends, or even with God, unmet expectations can lead to disappointment, hurt, and even strained relationships.

In this week’s message, we explored how our expectations—both of ourselves and others—can often set us up for disappointment. We all have them, whether we realize it or not. Expectations are beliefs about the future, and when they aren’t met, we feel let down. It’s important to recognize that sometimes our expectations are realistic, but other times, they may be unrealistic or even unspoken, leaving the people around us to fall short.

The Bible teaches us in Romans 12:18 to “do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” This includes managing our expectations. Often, the gap between what we expect and what actually happens is where frustration grows. But here’s the thing: not all expectations are bad. They can help guide us in relationships, but only if they are communicated well and based in reality.

Sometimes, unmet expectations can actually be opportunities to show grace and forgiveness. When things don’t go as planned, instead of building up resentment or frustration, we can use these moments to practice patience and extend understanding. After all, Jesus calls us to forgive—again and again (Matthew 18:21-22).

So, here’s a challenge: Think about your relationships. Are there areas where you’ve been holding onto unmet expectations? How can you adjust them or communicate them better? How can you respond with grace when things don’t go as you hoped?